Entries will be updated as I gather dates and photos for events.
Jul 5
The year the world's greatest cat was born (probably).
Microchip says her name was Evee and born on July 5th, 2013. The microchip was registered on May 7th, 2014.
Little is known about her pre-adoption.
If her original owner somehow stumbles on this, please get in contact with me through the shrine guestbook or this Neocities profile page. I would love to get photos (kitten photos 👀) or learn about her before we adopted her.
Apr 26
Received by the shelter weighing in at just 6.5lbs (3kg). Apr 27, 2014 is the birthday assigned to her by the shelter using a dental examination to estimate her age. They shaved her in multiple places to remove matting.
A white and grey domestic longhair mix, she's described as affectionate, independant, and fluffy in her profile.
Information I was told was that she was abandoned and when calling the number attached to her microchip, the owners did not want her.
photo taken by the shelter
Apr 30
Got a message from my sister that she's met a perfect cat. Sent me a couple photos and video, lamenting she cannot adopt. She begged me to go meet her so that I could adopt her instead.
May 1
I met her at the shelter. She's perfect. The photo is not.
May 2
We've decided to adopt her but surprise! My sister's boyfriend secretly adopted and dropped her off at my sister's work. Sister still cannot actually take the cat and so I drive over and pick her up that evening. We'll figure out an official transfer to us later.
May 2nd is also my partner's birthday so she ended up being a birthday present. Happy birthday.
sleeping on the job smh
May 3
After much deliberation, we named her Yorda because she has similar coloring to Yorda from the PS2 game Ico (you should play it).
July 11
Updated her microchip to our contact information at the vet. We also asked about the scabs on her nose and the vet did not seem worried unless things changed. Said it was likely a form of dermatitis.
Jan 9
Greatest moment caught on camera. While friends were over to watch AGDQ 2018 →, this happened. It's her 15 minutes of fame.
Jan 18
My sister moved out and was able to adopt a cat of her own, named Sidon. We attempted to introduce the two of them and, unfortunately, after Sidon hissed it was all over. Yorda was not having it.
Apr 27
We celebrated Yorda's first "birthday" with us by buying ourselves a cake. We also cooked up a huge plate of chicken for her.
Jul 19
Yorda was staking out a drain in one of the rooms for weeks. Suddenly, we hear a crash and come running to find she's caught a mouse! She seemed proud of her accomplishment.
She also treated it the same way she treats her mouse toys...
Censored because of dead mouse. Hover or tap on the photo to reveal.
July 10
Yorda met my friend's cat Keaton (who has her own site) → while we were taking care of her for a day. Unsurprisingly, Yorda was not happy about this event.
May 23
Since lockdowns were in full effect and it was getting warmer, we decided to attempt to leash train Yorda in our back yard. For about a week we put the harness on inside. Always squatty at first, she'd eventually get used to it and walk around.
When we attached the leash that came with the harness, we quickly realized it scared her. A fat ribbon was a-ok though.
Yorda was nervous outside at first but once aclimated, she loved it. She asked to go outside every sunny day (and sometimes rainy days).
Jul 21
Surprisingly, she was staking out one of the walls in our den. After a few days, she somehow pulled a mouse out from under the baseboard after digging the carpet up. She was unable to catch it before we did so we were able to release it far away.
Aug 6
Transformed into bread because she wouldn't stop scratching a scab on her forhead she gave herself with her back leg when we got behind on clipping her nails.
She didn't like being bread much.
Developed and printed photos of Yorda (what a model)
Nov 17
Fought a cat through the screen door. Sustained a scratch on her nose. (photo)
Jun 20
Arrival of Yorda's favorite chair. (photo)
Yorda's hadn't pooped for 3-4 days (not normal) so we brought her into the vet. Xrays revealed she was just a bit constipated (and of course she went right when we got home).
I was ecstatic that an Amazon courier caught Yorda hissing. I hope that courier knows that it made my week.
Aug 02
We got one of those robo vacuums and Yorda was both suspicious and curious. Would follow it around at a safe distance as it vacuumed.
Aug 06
Surprisingly, Yorda officially befriended the robo vacuum. We caught her hanging out right next to / mirroring it.
Therefore tears
Jun 24
Yorda vomited up a sizable amount of blood at approximately 10AM. Reasonably panicked and after calling our vet, we scooped her up and took her to an emergency vet called VEG.
VEG allowed us to be with her (view her in the case of getting x-rays) the entire time. Over the course of four hours, she was weighed, full bloodwork, and x-rayed. It seems emergency vets take just as long as human ER.
routine heart checkget irradiatedshe was trembling
X-rays found nothing and her bloodwork was perfect. They gave her a Cerenia injection for anti-nausea (hissed and swiped at the vet; it's a painful shot) fluids for dehydration, and told us if things change for the worse to bring her back for an ultrasound. Yorda was scared but stayed in our arms the entire time. A real trooper.
I made sure to get the x-rays because if I'm gonna spend the money on them, I want a copy.
her gutsmore guts
Jun 28
Lethargic, late night ultrasound (maybe photo?)
Jun 29
Full ultrasound, cancer (photo maybe?)
June 30
The film photoshoot I always wanted to do with her but never got around to
Also took her on a night walk around the neighborhood but it was a little spooky
Yorda enjoyed a hell of a month, got to eat anything she wanted and could eat, every day was supervised outdoor activities, etc. Will talk about medications that helped her, etc. This will mostly be text and link to a gallery of photos.