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  • Class
  • Warrior
  • Level
  • 11
  • Souls
  • 20
  • ReqSouls
  • 847
  • Vitality
  • 11
  • Attunement
  • 8
  • Endurance
  • 16
  • Strength
  • 16
  • Dexterity
  • 13
  • Resistance
  • 11
  • Intelligence
  • 9
  • Faith
  • 9
  • Humanity
  • 0

Thanks for visiting Yorda Zone. All pages in the nav are now live but more is in store. Come back often to see what's been added or changed.

A Day in the Life

Let me paint a picture of our daily life.

  • Morning Activities

    • Morning cuddles with my partner. Sometimes she smacks my door to wake me up. Used to sleep with me but she destroyed the underside of my bed and was banned.
    • Once awake, brushing happens first thing. She purrs loudly.
    • After enough brushing, she leads me over to her food. She must be pet before she eats anything. Half the time, food's already there. She just wants one of us there while she eats.
    • We keep the food bowl filled because we can trust her to not overeat.
    • Computer lap cuddles on work days. Sometimes works but she often thinks we are bad pillows at the computer.
  • Daytime Activities

    • Patrolling indoor spaces. She has her route she goes on multiple times a day.
    • Bird watching through the windows (occasional chatter)
    • Napping in the sun
    • Couch lap cuddles
    • When we're available, supervised summer adventures
  • Dinner Activities

    • Hanging out with us while we make dinner hoping there is food for her. If we are cooking chicken, we portion a piece specifically for her and cook it up.
    • She makes sure she gets a seat at the kitchen table for dinner. She's granted sniffs of our meals.
    • If one of us stands up, she will steal our chair.
  • Evening Activities

    • Lifeguard during shower time.
    • Couch lap cuddles while gaming or watching something.
    • Evening playtime by herself or with us.
  • Bedtime Activities

    • She always joins us in the bathroom to drink water from her water dish.
    • Late night playtime with her ribbon toys. Pouncing, chasing, and jumping.
    • Once she's tired, if she isn't in the mood to cuddle, she has a spot she decides is her bed for a while.
    • If she is in the mood to cuddle, she will wait on the bedside table until my partner gets comfortable before she hops into bed.


  • All about group activity. We must do things together as a family (insert VinnyD Meme).
    • Supervised Outdoor Summer Adventures
    • Teeth brushing means it's time for her to drink a bunch of water next to us. Every time she asks for fresh water she does a little spin while we are filling her dish up. Without fail, she accidentally sticks her nose in the water and surprises herself.
  • It's okay if we are away as long as we are home by bedtime.
  • If she isn't waiting at the door, she will run to me to greet me when I come home.
  • Cuddles are required. If you move around too much, she will bite you and leave because you were a shitty pillow.
  • If it's not time for cuddles, it's time to play (see favorite toys)
  • Sometimes gets the poop zoomies. Record is 3 laps around the room.
  • Being brushed is the best. Her loudest purrs are when she is brushed.


  • Protect territory
    • other cats fuck off
    • hiss at couriers (photographic evidence)
  • Remove cobwebs near floor (eat them)
  • Mow and/or edge the lawn (eat grass)
  • Catch mice (mouse count: 1)
  • Point out spiders
  • Inspect food (wants chicken)
  • Lifeguard
    • will sit on bath mat and make sure we don't drown
    • Help dry off by licking shower water off legs
    • tried to pull me out of the shower once
  • Help wrap presents (sit on paper and attack ribbons)

Favorite Foods

  • Chicken (required)
  • Bonito flakes (crispy & crunchy)
  • Burrito (carnitas inside)
  • Pepperoni pizza
  • Deli ham
  • Chips (Jalapeno, Takis, and Tortilla all good)
  • Whole milk
  • Ice Cream
  • She once stole cherrios out of a bowl of cereal and ate them???

Favorite Toys and Games

  • Mouse toys
  • Kicky fish
  • Wand toys
  • Ribbon
  • Tiny pinecones
  • Youtube videos for cats
  • Likes to pop out from behind a corner to surprise us. She loves when we act surprised.
  • Chase and wrestle. You run after her and when she's ready she flops over with a leg up in the air, signaling she wants to fight. If you have no sleeves she is gentle but if you have long sleeves, she goes all in with kicking and biting.

Things That Are Spooky

  • The Shower (she tried to pull me out of it once, quite brave of her)
  • Piles of clothes (wary)
  • Vacuum (hiss and run to hammock)
  • Pest Control (hide under bed)