YORDA ZONE is currently best viewed on Desktop but a quality mobile experience is in the works. Thank you for your understanding.


Thanks for visiting Yorda Zone. I hope my stupid, wonderful cat brings you a fraction of the joy she brought us.

I had planned for years to make a Neocities shrine for my cat just for fun. It's easy to continue to put off silly projects. When Yorda was diagnosed with cancer in late June of 2024, it motivated me. It may seem strange but this helped me deal with my grief.

If you wish to know more about me, visit my site here.

The shrine.html now has a rudamentry guestbook; works but needs work. Please sign it and give Yorda a treat. Thinking about adding a party spotlight for when someone signs the guestbook...

Been having fun with the webring.html. Still considering poking at the onionring.js scripts to make a proper members widget for the site instead of editing the webring page directly.

Also considering moving all the text on home.html into its own page. Needs better formatting regardless as it's just an unordered list right now.


Notes: If you don't see the changes, you likely need to perform a hard refresh on the page (ctrl+F5 / cmd+F5) to fetch the new content.


Sep 15

  • Updated webring.html widget, updated text, and added a background to display names on hover
  • Updated splash page to accommodate the new widget

Sep 14

Sep 07

  • Updated timeline.html with a new entry (finally something in 2019!)
  • Updated about.html with a link to my personal site

Sep 04

  • Updated home.html with more 88x31 buttons
  • Updated webring.html with some 88x31 buttons
  • Fixed splash page media query issue that cropped up with code restructuring

Sep 03

Sep 02

  • Updated shrine.html with a placeholder Yorda, offering plate, more offerings, and image link upload
  • Updated gallery.html with more photos (My Gaming Buddy)
  • Fixed shrine.html issue not allowing other emoji offerings in the text field

Aug 31

  • Updated webring.html: orbital cats now link to their respective sites (and hover animation!)
  • Minor restructuring of css pages and code

Aug 30

  • Updated home.html with a 88x31 button and a mobile background for Yorda's Dark Souls stats

Aug 29

Aug 28

Aug 27

Aug 26

Aug 25

  • Updated shrine.html formatting; now you can leave an offering

Aug 23

Aug 22

  • Added a favicon (finally)
  • Updated home.html text to no longer have duplicate information and added a link to this page from the bodycopy
  • Updated shrine.html formatting
  • Updated webring.html with one new member, Pizza

Aug 21

  • Updated shrine.html with a guestbook. Responsiveness needs work still, though.
  • Updated timeline.html (bit more more text)

Aug 20

Aug 19

  • Published shrine.html (placeholder)
  • Published webring.html (Technically working, added to all pages)
  • Updated timeline.html
  • Updated gallery.html, now responsive
  • Fixed font load times (somewhat)
  • Fixed cursor from horizontal scrolling when Yorda is offscreen

Aug 18

  • Updated timeline.html
  • Updated formatting not_found.html
  • Site is now mostly responsive, including a hamburger menu
  • Restructured code on most pages
  • Fixed marquee so it scrolls across the entire viewport
  • Fixed about.html layout and updated text and Changelog formatting. Below About YORDA ZONE now has a spot for me to ramble.

Aug 17

Aug 16

  • Updated splash page with a Javascript notification and viewport dimension detection for troubleshooting
  • Minor restructuring of code on all pages

Aug 08

Aug 06

Aug 04

Aug 03

Jul 31

Jul 27

Jul 02

  • Created site on Neocities